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2020 California Update -Sacramento Virtual Chapter Meeting 10.27.20
Tuesday, October 27, 2020, 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM PST
Category: In-Person Chapter Meetings

2020 California Update
Sacramento Virtual Chapter Meeting

Date and Time:

Tuesday, October 27, 2020
6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.


Online Meeting via Zoom
This will be Zoom Meeting. Once you register and pay, the Zoom link will be provided in your confirmation email for you to log in at the designated meeting time. Zoom does require registration before entering the meeting.

Topic: 2020 California Update

In our California Update presentation the topics to be addressed during this presentation generally include:

Taxpayers’ Rights Advocate’s Office
•Current Issues
•Bills of Interest
•Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC)
•Audit Issues
•Collection Topics
•Tax Appeals Assistance Program (TAAP)
•Website Redesign
•Communicate with FTB

Speaker: Lila Fedler

Lila Fedler is a Franchise Tax Board spokesperson and serves as a Technical Assistant to the Advocate. Lila is an Enrolled Agent with the Internal Revenue Service and began her career with the Franchise Tax Board in 1980. Lila currently works directly with the Taxpayer Rights' Advocate to assure that the taxpayers have been afforded the protections of the Taxpayers' Bill of Rights. With more than 37 years, Lila has acquired a broad range of experience covering both personal income and corporation tax laws. In addition to her experience as a Franchise Tax Auditor, Protest Hearing Officer, and Audit Technical Specialist and Reviewer, she worked in the private sector as a Senior Manager in the state and local tax practice at a top public accounting firm, headquartered in the West, providing consulting services to public and private middle-market enterprises in many different industries.

CPE Information: 

CTEC: 1000-CE-4814
2 California hours (Topics covering California law issues) 


$10 for members
$40 for non-members

Register Below: 


This presentation has been designed to meet the requirements of the Return Preparer Office, the California State Board of Accountancy; and the California Tax Education Council including code 31 of Federal Regulations10.6 (g). This does not constitute an endorsement by these groups. A listing of additional requirements to renew tax preparer registration may be obtained by contacting CTEC at P.O. Box 2890, Sacramento, CA. 95812- 2890, or phone CTEC at (877) 850-2832, or on the Internet at