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Ethics in Practice - San Jose Chapter Virtual Meeting
Wednesday, September 21, 2022, 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM PST
Category: In-Person Chapter Meetings

Ethics in Practice
San Jose Chapter Virtual Meeting


Wednesday, September 21, 2022
5:00 to 7:00 PM


Online Meeting via Zoom
This will be Zoom Meeting. Once you register and pay, the Zoom link will be provided for you to log in at the designated meeting time. Zoom does require registration before entering the meeting. 


Sure, you know you have to take your two hours of ethics every year, but really what’s the big deal? Join us as we try to answer the question of “what’s the big deal” and what it means to be an ethical preparer. We’ll explore real world situations to take the ethical from the theoretical to the practical, and hopefully have some fun along the way!

Learning Objectives:
#1: Ethics: what even are they?
#2: The origins of ethical regulations.
#3: Applying ethical standards to everyday situations.


Shannon Hall, EA
Shannon Hall spent three years studying classical theatre at an acting conservatory, so it was only a matter of time before she got into the tax business. She has been a member of CSTC since she began preparing taxes all the way back in 2012, though her tax career truly began many years before when, as a child, she would play with the tax forms in the library. Shannon has prepared taxes at respected places like her kitchen table and H&R Block, where she served as an instructor and office manager before moving in with some laid back CPAs in Signal Hill, CA. More than anything, Shannon hopes to make tax education engaging and fun and strives to make taxes less taxing. Shannon is a proud member of the Greater Long Beach Chapter of CSTC and is happy to serve on the Board of Directors.

CPE Information:

2 Ethics hours (Topics meeting the ethics requirements under Cir 230)

IRS: 18QC1-E-01675-22-O
CTEC: 1000-CE-5083

Knowledge Level: Basic (No prior knowledge expected)


Registration before September 18, 2022
Registration Fee (Member): $0
Registration Fee (Non-Member): $30

Registration after September 18, 2022
Registration Fee (Member): $10
Registration Fee (Non-Member): $40

Cancellation and Refund Policy for Webinar Purchase
Written webinar cancellations will be accepted up to three (3) business days before the course begins for a full refund. Please email your request to [email protected]. No refunds will be given if cancellation notice is received later than three (3) business days before the course begins, or for no-show registrants.

This presentation has been designed to meet the requirements of the Return Preparer Office, the California State Board of Accountancy; and the California Tax Education Council including code 31 of Federal Regulations10.6 (g). This does not constitute an endorsement by these groups. A listing of additional requirements to renew tax preparer registration may be obtained by contacting CTEC at P.O. Box 2890, Sacramento, CA. 95812- 2890, or phone CTEC at (877) 850-2832, or on the Internet at