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Breakfast Discussion - Orange County South Chapter In-Person Meeting 3.20.22
Snooze, an A.M. Eatery
28141 Crown Valley Pkwy Suite B
Laguna Niguel, CA 92677
Sunday, March 20, 2022, 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM PST
Category: In-Person Chapter Meetings

Breakfast Discussion
Orange County South Chapter In-Person Meeting


Sunday, March 20, 2022
8:00 AM to 10:00 AM


Snooze, an A.M. Eatery
28141 Crown Valley Pkwy Suite B
Laguna Niguel, CA 92677


Breakfast Discussion


Orange County South Officers and Directors

CPE Information:

No CE offered


Member Registration Fee: $0
Non-Member Registration Fee: $0

Attendees will pay for their own breakfast from the menu selections. Please contact Lisa Cruz to register for this event: [email protected] or 949-300-0112

This presentation has been designed to meet the requirements of the Return Preparer Office, the California State Board of Accountancy; and the California Tax Education Council including code 31 of Federal Regulations10.6 (g). This does not constitute an endorsement by these groups. A listing of additional requirements to renew tax preparer registration may be obtained by contacting CTEC at P.O. Box 2890, Sacramento, CA. 95812- 2890, or phone CTEC at (877) 850-2832, or on the Internet at

Contact: Please contact Lisa Cruz to register for this event: [email protected] or 949-300-0112